Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Board held on November 12, 2003, at 7:30 p.m., in the Town Offices.


                   PRESENT:             JOEL TRAN, CHAIR

                                                SAMUEL SOLOMON, VICE CHAIR

                                                REGINA MANISCALCO, CLERK






I.                Meeting called to order.  The Minutes of the October 1, 15 and 29, 2003, meetings were reviewed and accepted with corrections.



48 East Chestnut Street, owner – Mortgage Place.  There were two signs included on one freestanding sign.  One was for “Buy America Realty Services.”  It was to be a white background with blue letters, fitting within the required size.  The second was for Hadlock Associates.  The overall color was light beige with black and gold lettering.  It also fit within the required size requirements.  Mr. Solomon moved to approve both signs, stipulating that the applicants take the colors from the approved historical color charts.  Seconded by Mr. Hauser and unanimously voted.









                                                                   Administrative Assistant





Mr. Hershfeld from the ZBA and Mr. Meister from the Conservation Commission met with the Board to discuss the impervious surface requirement being proposed by the new zoning change. 


Mr. Tran explained that the requirements currently allow for a maximum 15% impervious surface in the groundwater protection district.  The language the Planning Board is proposing would require 50% impervious surface for parking.  The Board wanted to discuss this issue with the ZBA and ConCom to see if there was any leeway in these figures.  Mr. Hershfeld indicated that the ZBA has in the past allowed more flexibility on this matter through the Special Permit process.  Some adjustments have previously been made in areas that are not wetlands sensitive.  The ZBA does require different trade offs from the applicants for this adjustment for such things as roof leaders, etc.  What the ZBA does or does not allow depends on the specifics of the site and how sensitive it is for groundwater purposes.


Mr. Tran indicated that the Board needed to find out from the ConCom if the proposal would be acceptable to that Board.  What would be the best format to address this – a specific percentage, or some other form.  Mr. Tran said that he had checked the regulations in three other towns and none of them offered any specifics in terms of percentages. 


Mr. Meister answered that the ConCom would prefer to have this issue handled under the Special Permit process and send a clear message to the applicants to try and limit the amount of impervious surface.  If there were other wetland resources, it would be important to suggest mitigation.  Mr. Meister said he did not see anything wrong with the way the existing regulations were written and does not see a problem with the applicant needing to apply for a Special Permit. 


Mr. Tran explained that the reason this issue was being discussed was that there was another article added to the Warrant to allow an automobile dealership to go in on Route One.  What he has seen is that the dealership will need six times the amount of land of impervious surface than the building.  The Planning Board just wanted to bring this up so that if this article goes forward, is there any language changes that either the ZBA or ConCom might suggest that would appease both interests.  Mr. Meister answered that he did not see anything wrong with the current language.


Mr. Meister said that he had a specific concern about the South Main Street parcel.  There was some concern about the fact that the Board did not consider that the Town has done a full study of potential well sites, one at the cranberry bog and the other on South Walpole.  Even though these sites are outside of the area proposed for rezoning, he did not know that it would preclude the Town from going in and contacting the property owners to do more than the one test.  This is a sensitive area from a standpoint of Town water supply, open space and environmental issues.  He was asking the Board not to loosen the language too much and to leave more control with the Town.


Ms. Pitman, a resident, requested that the Board provide her with the list of attendees at the public hearing on October 15.  She also requested a map showing the 20-40 properties that are over five acres that the Planning Board has identified. 


Mr. Hauser answered that 52 properties would be eligible for a CSD development; 40 properties were in excess of 20 acres.  He said that it was still necessary to identify what properties of those 40 would be eligible for building, taking out the non-buidable lots.  These would include country clubs, the Town Offices, the Community Center, etc., thus reducing the number that could actually be built upon.  You could then look at these properties and try and determine what could be potential uses for them, and defining alternative uses. 




Upon Mr. Hauser’s recommendation, the Board invited Sam Zisblatt in to discuss his potentially becoming the Board’s appointee to the Government Study Committee. 


Mr. Tran explained to Mr. Zisblatt what this Committee was all about and what type of commitment it would involve.  He further said that the Board was looking for someone who would be interested in being the Board’s representative to see what, if any, changes should be brought to Town Meeting.  The person the Board would like to appoint would be someone who is open minded, and will take opinions of the Planning Board to that Committee.  The Board would also like that person to report back on what issues are being discussed by the Committee. 


Mr. Zisblatt told the Board he became interested in becoming a member of the Government Study Committee when certain issues were brought up and voted on that he felt weren’t right.  He also thought it wasn’t right that the elderly were not able to fully participate in Town Meeting due to lack of transportation, or bad weather, etc.  He thought there should be some accommodations made to include the elderly population in Town matters.


Mr. Zisblatt further informed the Board that he has lived in Sharon for 12 years and has been involved unofficially in discussions with members of different Town boards.  He would like to get some further information on what exactly would  be involved in serving as a member of the Government Study Committee, but was interested in being the Board’s appointee.




---Goldenwood Subdivision – Per Mr. O’Cain’s memorandum to the Board dated November 12, 2003, Mr. Solomon moved to reduce the surety currently in the amount of $12,500.00, to $2,300.00, a reduction of $10,200.00.  Seconded by Mr. Tran and unanimously voted.


V.               There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.